Parents & Carers
Helping parents/carers and their children to thrive…
You want to support your children to grow and develop with the resilience they need to not only face the setbacks that inevitably will come (and not just pandemics), but also be able to thrive in life.
Children can learn to deal with uncertainty, with your support helping them to develop the skills and strategies to excel.
Father 2 Father has supported thousands of parents and families, up and down the country in a way that is practical and based on real lived experiences and proven strategies.
Parents recognise the benefits of spending a little time with us to learn and understand the ideas for themselves and then use our resources with their children at home.
Tools for Teenage Years help address challenging and harmful behaviours in adolescence
Across the 12 sessions we will give:
A better understanding of harmful/challenging behaviours
Strengthened family relationships
Support for the whole family
Freedom from the feelings of powerlessness
An increased presence in your child’s life
Hope for the future
Tools for Teenage Years programme is commissioned to work in various boroughs. Contact us to see if we are currently have places available near you.
“When I changed, my child changed. ”
Fiona, Tools for Teenage Years participant
Michael's Story
This workshop was useful in helping me to understand what our son will be going through, how that will affect him and how we can positively help him navigate his new experiences as in enters into Secondary School